Tuesday, November 27, 2007

mini update

Lots to report on.

First, obviously the Argos lost a couple of weeks ago thus making the Grey Cup game between the Roughriders and the Blue Bombers. The Roughriders won.

Congrats to them and to the fans from Saskatchewan that made their way to Toronto to support them.

Next, what is really going on with the Knicks? Isiah fired? Marbury disgruntled? They need to get it together and stop being the soap opera of the NBA.

Finally, the Raptors lead man, Chris Bosh, was at a BMO signing today. Himself, Anthony Parker and GM, Brian Colangelo (in photo) were there talking about the currently season and what they hope for. It was interesting. They basically wanted to get off to a better start and want to have more dedicated players like CB4.

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